Vienna Coffee Company

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Church Street meets Market Street

Yesterday, 40 people gathered together at Tellico Village Community Church. Trade was the subject. They learn about creative ways we can help marginalized and sometimes impoverished people improve their lives by purchasing good products that return a larger share of revenue to the growers, producers and craftspeople who make them. They enjoyed the rich taste of Cafe Feminino, the gourmet coffee blend that is served in the Tellico Joe Cafe. John Clark from Vienna Coffee Company was on hand to tell us about Fair Trade Coffee and our Relationship coffees (El Puente, La Armonia Hermosa, and Cafe Femenino). Also Bill and Joan Cochran from Shop the World Gifts which features Fair Trade gifts and crafts made by people in Third World countries talked about their store and products.

People were able to sample the wonderful Cafe Femenino Peru coffee that is featured in their Tellico Joe Cafe and desserts prepared within the community.

People came and joined us at the corner of Church and Main - where faith meets life head-on!