Stone Church Blend - Organic
Stone Church Blend - Organic
TASTING NOTES: shortbread, fig, orange peel
Our newly re-imagined, 100% Organic Stone Church Blend combines two certified Organic coffees from Guatemala and Ethiopia producing a delightful cup with notes of buttery shortbread, dark fruits, and delicate citrus. This blend shines both as a drip coffee or an espresso!
Acidity: Bright
Body: Medium
Organic Guatemala
Varieties: Caturra, Bourbon
Elevation: 1,200m - 1,600m
Process: Wet processing, Sun drying
Region: Huehuetenango, Guatemala
ASOBAGRI was founded in 1989 by 20 K'anjob'al Mayan coffee and cardamon farmers. Despite regional political instability and poverty, ASOBAGRI grew steadily throughout the 1990s. The cooperative became certified by Fairtrade Labeling Organizations International (FLO) in 1999.
Organic Ethiopia
Varieties: Heirloom varietals
Elevation: 1,900 - 2,300m
Process: Full washed, dried on African beds
Region: Woreda Zone, Gedeo, Yirgacheffe
The Konga cooperative is one in a network of cooperatives in the Yirgacheffe region belonging to the Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (YCFCU). Its 2,400 smallholder members distinguish themselves with their impeccable attention to detail in processing.