Vienna Coffee Company

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Great Lakes Barista Competition

Our friends Courtney Robinson and Logan Demmy are competing again at this year's Great Lakes Barista Competition in Milwaukee this weekend! They both had stellar performances last year in Chicago, and we are looking forward to hearing about their performance this year. Our coffee sourcer and barista trainer, Les Stoneham has been helping prep Courtney and Logan while giving them suggestions on how to better their signature drink. The signature drink is one of the most exciting aspects of competition. I can't give away what Courtney and Logan's drinks are this year until after they compete, but they are sure to get high marks in creativity!

The Great Lakes Region always has a strong turnout. In fact the national barista champion was from this region last year.

You might be asking what is a Barista Competition. Let me tell you...
It's a competition where baristas from all over the region come and compete for the most creative signature drink, best espresso, and best barista skills. Each competitor has 15 minutes to make 12 drinks: 4 cappucinos, 4 espressos, and 4 signature drinks. That's not all though. In that really short time, they are also expected to tell the story of the coffee they are using and why they are making the drinks the way they are. They customize everything about their routine from the kind of milk, espresso, and grinder, to the music, table cloth, and cups. There are technical judges and sensory judges that judge their every move. If any competitor goes over the alloted time then they are deducted point for each minute they are over. This is one intense competition with big names representing all different kinds of roasters and coffee shops.

Here's to wishing them good luck in this year's competition!!!