July's Featured Coffee - Tanzania Peaberry!

Welcome to For the Love of Coffee, a weekly blog about all things coffee exclusively for the staff of Vienna Coffee.

In this week’s blog, we will take a few moments to learn about this month’s featured coffee and its unique qualities and flavor profile. Peaberry refers to the shape of this small bean. Peaberry coffee develops when only one coffee bean forms inside the coffee cherry. Because it is not sharing the space with a second bean, it develops a unique "pea" shape. Only around 4-6% of coffee cherries develop only one bean making them rare.

Many coffee enthusiasts believe that this anomaly in the coffee produces a superior quality bean. Hand-picked from the crop for its flavor intensity, this coffee features slightly brighter acidity compared to most African coffees, a medium body, and a pleasant bright sweetness in the cup. In our roastery here at Vienna we roast this coffee to a medium roast degree to bring out the unique tasting notes of dried apricot, dark caramel, and chocolate. Mmmm, so good! :-P

Tanzania Peaberry coffee comes from the tropical nation of Tanzania. Tanzania is situated just south of the equator and has a climate that is well-suited for growing coffee. Tanzania is mountainous in the northeast, where Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest peak, is situated.

Located in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro, Lyamungo is one of four farms that make up the Africa Plantation Kilimanjaro estate. The estate is owned by Alejandro Galante, a coffee farmer from Antioquia, Colombia, with each farm managed individually. 95% of APK’s production is washed, though recent experimentation has led to more honey and natural processing occurring. Drying is done on raised beds, where APK employees carefully monitor the moisture level of each lot to ensure even drying.

Carry will soon be distributing to each barista a sample of this delightful coffee to take home and enjoy. I hope you will take time to try it and let me or Carry know your impressions. You all are extremely valuable and important to our continued success and I am grateful for each and every one of you!

It’s a GREAT day for coffee!!!

Your Caffeinated Cohort,
