The conference was a huge success with more than 100 communities, activists, and practitioners converging in a set of lectures and round table discussions to exchange ideas, current projects, resources, funding, etc. Also, on Wednesday night a wonderful 5 course meal with all local/seasonal food that the chef had a personal relationship with was prepared for about 35 panelists and organizers of the conference, and adding to the relational story Vienna Coffee was able to tell their story of their relationship with the farmers in Santa Maria de Jesus, Guatemala.
In this changing economic climate Chicago's design world is merging with communities and activists to make sense of the change and how to better our world through collaboration. It was great to hear about all of the amazing sustainable projects, activities, and organizations going on in the area. This event, spurred on by Vienna Coffee Company's coffee, allowed for all of these people to connect in hopes of making a larger impact. We look forward to seeing what comes out of this event in the future.
If you are interested in joining the discussion check out They will be adding a discussion board onto their website shortly.