Dr. Ken Kant, artist (6” x 6” tiny canvas)
Artwork by MHS students
Artwork by MHS students
"Here's the Dirt - It's All About Flowers" Art Exhibit
Saturday, March 13 - May 8th
We’re excited to have a combination display featuring “tiny art” pieces measuring (6” x 6”), medium sized art, photography, ceramics, mosaics, textiles and hanging 3-D mixed media creations along with really big art pieces!
In the “LOFT,” Maryville High School Art Students, 10th through 12th graders, have joined in the fun and prepared some colorful flower art. The student art will be open for viewing 10:00-4:00 daily.
Everyone loves flowers and we will be adorning the walls at Vienna Coffee House with beautiful colors. Enjoy a delicious treat while strolling through our lovely flower garden display.
Pieces for sale will be marked next to the artwork along with the artist contact. If you are interested in purchasing a piece of art, contact the artist, arrange for payment and we’ll put “sold” on the tag. All pieces must remain hanging for the duration of the exhibit.
For more info about our exhibits or to learn how you can get involved contact:
Deede Edele, Vienna Coffee House Art Coordinator
blackbearmountainarts@gmail.com for more information about our exhibits